Saturday, October 15, 2016

Independence Day @70

Let the humanity cherish
With my country awake
For flowers of different caste ,creed and religion
Blossoming with broad vision.

Where sharing the knowledge with wisdom
To fulfill everyone’s dream
In winter, summer and spring
Ahead our culture beaming.

At seventy let our countries hopes bloom
With our citizens name and fame
Each day striving hard to achieve
So one day with flying colours to live.

Monday, October 10, 2016


From the drops of minutes
Into the river of hour
When we are in motion in time
Our journey will lead to ocean of wisdom.

Where small and large fishes
Leaps and emerges like our wishes
Swimming towards the goal
If we play virtuous role.

So both in high and low tide
Our life will be a pride
Being vast as ocean
From the minutes of every season.

Love What You Do

Stream starts its journey in mountain
With vigour never to return
Knowing not the path ahead
But to the ocean of ambition to reach.

In chill of winter you are crystallized
In heat of summer you are vaporized
But the aspiration inherent lies still
As with the rain of hope you are filled.

So wake to the beauty of nature
And grow through its stature
By loving what you do
So happily you can live.