Located 21 light years away from us, this planet, dubbed HD219134 b, has a mass almost five times that of Earth, which is considered a so-called "super-Earth".
At least nine people have died in the most destructive wildfires ripping through north and south California. More than 250,000 people have been forced to flee their homes to avoid three major blazes in the state. Firefighters were powerless in stopping a wildfire destroying the northern town of Paradise, where 35 people are missing. A raging wildfire swept into the southern beach resort of Malibu - home to many Hollywood stars - on Friday.
Authorities say the Camp Fire in the north and the Woolsey Fire and Hill Fire in the south are being fanned by strong winds and dry forests. "The magnitude of the destruction of the fire is unbelievable and heartbreaking," said Mark Ghilarducci, of the California governor's office
Like bright sun after solar eclipse
Bestowing to people lot of hope fruits
After clearing their failures from past
And achieve success that lasts.
In the azure sky as people gaze
The sun keeps all of them in focus
And showing them in cycle of change
We can survive together any change.
For generation to change for better
Filled with hope and laughter
Enjoying their country’s independence
Guided by sun in sky’s presence
To be in laughter of hill
And pleasantness feel
In the joy of your heart abode
Strive to make the road.
To share and care around
With sincerity holding to the ground
Dreaming in the ambience of hope
Like blooming flowers which none can stop.
Then life garden will be sweet
For your goals to meet
So you could with happiness cherish
Living in the beauty of your house.
To dance and make merry
After they succeed in their goals daily
Decorated like stars in the sky
Which together twinkle and glorify.
Celebrating the independence in this way
Will bring joy to your heart every day
Keeping the country in forward motion
Filled with happiness and joy emotions.
With ten avatars in each cycle
In him beings come in and out reveals
In which few are ferocious as lion
And few avatars like a cowherd tame.
When your are awake and surrender at his feet
Your sins are washed and in front of you is heavenly gate
Where your soul lives in perfect harmony
With love of the lord accompanying.
Gopal thought many ways to approach
But she was out of reach
And he thought to send sms
So she could consider him please.
He sent, “I like when you like me back,
Cuz my life is at your stake and lot of difference you make.”
She replied kindly, ‘ I love you too,
But please tell me, who are you?!’
His mom would prepare snakes and biscuits
Which they would happily taste
Enjoying each other company
And being together happily.
One day when Gopal’s dad went to wash his face
Gopal said he will help him in his place
And when his father asked why he took long time to finish
He replied, ‘ Your head is bald, you got a long face!”
Somewhere in the Arctic sea ice, where the temperatures are typically below freezing on even the balmiest days, there is a random pattern of holes, and NASA - the literal rocket scientists who took us to the moon and want to take us to Mars - can't figure out what they are.
One day his parents were invited to a function
And his mother did not want to miss her relation
She was looking forward to go there
And she asked Gopal’s Dad was he aware.
He said he had a assembly session
But to worry there is no reason
He asked for her relation to buy sweets
As he would stage a walkout and join in 15 minutes!
"We are full steam ahead," said Yigal Harel, program director at SpaceIL, the Israeli team that plans a soft-landing on the moon later this year.
When the Lunar XPrize was introduced in 2007, interest in moon exploration was at a low. No government had landed there since the 1970s and no businesses had seriously contemplated it. But the contest has had its intended effect, jump-starting a cottage industry of would-be space explorers, even if no one emerged to take Google's money. Last year, overall investment in space startups by venture capitalists climbed to a record $2.8 billion, according research firm CB Insights
Using data from a NASA X-ray laboratory in space, Xinyu Dai, an astrophysicist and professor at the University of Oklahoma, detected, for the first time ever, a population of planets beyond the Milky Way galaxy. The mass of the planets range in size from Earth's moon to the massive Jupiter, our solar system's biggest planet.
There are few methods to determine the existence of distant planets. They are so far away that no telescope can observe them, Dai told The Washington Post. So Dai and his postdoctoral researcher Eduardo Guerras relied on a scientific principle to make the discovery: Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.