Friday, November 27, 2020

Waves of Covid 19 - A Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

Whole world is in pain

And in our planet it left stain

But we will survive and again arrive

Being fully robust and alive.


If it breeze’s through the window

By the door we shall get away from its shadow

As light of Almighty shines from door

So we can be happy for what for us in store.


In the days and night that pass

Let us love and faith in our heart realize

So however the pandemic waves flows

The strength in our heart glows.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

NASA Astronaut Shares Breathtaking Video Of Earth From Space

NASA astronaut Victor Glover, who recently travelled to the International Space Station, took to Twitter on Wednesday to share a breathtaking view of the Earth from space. His first video from space offers a stunning view of the Blue Planet and, according to the astronaut, it doesn't do justice to the real thing. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Happy Diwali 2020 !! - A Poem by Venkatesh M.R.


Let the light shine in our heart today

With songs of melody for this special day

In morn beaming with soft rays of sun

And at night glowing in our heart when lamp burns.


From dawn to dusk everyone enjoying fun

Making memories with loved ones

Savoring the festival this day ones in a year

With warmness banishing the winter,


So forming the global culture

In the world increasing our stature

Bringing happiness to one another

Whole world being for us dear.