Saturday, June 27, 2020

Unmasking the Beauty – A Didactic Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

The mist in the early dawn
Swipes away the pain
As it is like in the country damsel
Who writes in your life a beautiful tale.

Guiding you always in your journey
Like flowing stream in nature
Protecting and taking care
And of your needs being aware.

As stream fills the thirst
And in serene water brings from you the best
In your journey like fishes with wishes
Which to its destined ocean reaches.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Solar Eclipse - An Inspirational Poem by Venkatesh M.R,

Solar Eclipse – An Inspirational Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

Moon covers the Sun
And in life many battles are to be won
As aspirations of life is invaded
And dreams of life are faded.

But time never stands still
So moments of loss pass
To be again in aspiration light
And for our life’s success to fight.

Each generations look alike
With promises to keep
So in moments of eclipse
Just bury your sorrows deep.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bose-Einstein Quantum "Fifth State Of Matter" Seen For 1st Time In Space

Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) -- the existence of which was predicted by Albert Einstein and Indian mathematician Satyendra Nath Bose almost a century ago -- are formed when atoms of certain elements are cooled to near absolute zero (0 Kelvin, minus 273.15 Celsius).

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Distance – A Didactic Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

Le the time flow like aspiration river
From mountain to meadow
Where in bright Sunshine
The happiness is with in close distance.

In the land filled with patience
With the butterfly essence
Moving from plant to plant of beings
Encouraging them to happily live.

Since charm and beauty is alive
With hope and love to survive
When in nature in it you believe
Without distance you can live

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Author of Your Life – An Inspirational Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

Like volcano erupts from mountain
Your life springs from fountain
And in heat and dust of the day
Be serene come what may.

Try to fill the pages of your life with laughter
As everyone in this earth is an actor
Filled with love and faith
With each day where ever you relate.

So in each pages of your life
Every day from dawn to dusk
The author is no one else but you
Writing the story to be one among the few.